Saturday, April 30, 2011

Benefits Of Soursop Leaves Potent Cure Cancer

Benefits Of Soursop Leaves Potent Cure Cancer
Maybe during this You less know about the benefits of soursop leaves as a natural herbal concoctions. Most people just consume the flesh of the fruit alone for a variety of meals and drinks. Soursop leaf to say actually is more useful than the meat men because in soursop leaves there are various substances and essential nutrients needed by the body. But did you know about the benefits of soursop leaves exactly?

The Benefits of Soursop Leaves

First known by tribez in Amazona in the 90 's. They easily find soursop tree in the forest and then process them into herbal medicines. Based on research conducted at leading universities in Indonesia's GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY. With just a small dose of the benefits of soursop leaves already proven eradicate cancer cells in the body.

Another fact mentioned if soursop leaves to kill the cells of colon cancer by up to 10,000 times stronger than chemo. The statement was released by Reiser MJ, Mc Laughlin, and Fang XP at AgrEvo Research Center, USA. It turns out the great benefits of soursop leaves it, although the price is cheap even for free, the benefits of soursop leaves huge in helping cancer treatments are natural.

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