Coconut is a very useful plant with water. Do you know the benefits of coconut water for health is very much. Coconut water is one of these types of drinks are delicious as well as healthy. Drinking coconut water as is recommended when you are thirsty, because water could prevent tropical fruit from dehydration and return ion body quickly. Other benefits of coconut water can be used as a drug is hepatitis, inflammation and liver. In addition to coconut water also can strengthen the resilience of the body to fight off viruses such as herpes, flu and AIDS.
Benefits of Coconut Water
Various studies have shown if the benefits of coconut water are especially recommended is consumed by women who suffer the pains of menopause. Many say if drinking water is good for health, but of course there are times when you get tired of drinking plain water continuously, coconut water can be used as healthy alternative. For those of you who were undergoing diet need not worry about consuming coconut water as it will not add to your weight. The important thing about coconut water is you don't have to worry about side effects. Coconut water is safe if you consume every day because even though it has a slightly sweet taste, but his drink is absolutely zero cholesterol.
Benefits of Coconut Water for Beauty
In addition to the many benefits of coconut water for health, you can also make use of the coconut to beautify themselves. Coconut water can make the skin look radiant and glowing. Coconut water is able to deliver oxygen to all the cells of your body. By consuming regularly can help reduce excessive pigmentation, improve circulation, and makes your skin look natural shine. It is also the underlying use of coconut water as one of the ingredients to make beauty products.
Everything about simple healthy tips and many more. Life for Health and Health for Life
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Benefits Of Listening To Music For Health

The Benefits Of Listening Music
Reduce Stress.
If you're feeling anxious and afraid, try to listen music. According to data from the Association of music therapy in America show if music can help relieve stress and anxiety. Other studies also reveal if the patient listen to his favorite music 30 minutes before performing surgery, levels of stress is reduced and make it more casual. So it can be concluded the benefits of listening to music is very useful before confronting suspenseful moments in your life.
Increase Productivity.
The young officer did work tend to have better concentration if listen to instrumental music. This kind of music can help you focus on the job at the Office. But some of the songs that can affect your emotional level it will concentrate even while you're working.
Increase Stamina. While excercise, select songs or music with a rather fast tempo so it makes you more excited and calories burned will more and more, because or body as if moving yourself following the fast music.
Simple Tips Healthy
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Health Benefits of Pear

The Health Benefits of Pear
Protect the Body From Free Radicals.
Pears are one of the types of plants that contain enough vitamins C and K, as well as a variety of other nutrients all of which function as antioxidants to protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Eating a Pear is meet 11 percent of the daily vitamin C needs.
Preventing Cancer.
Benefits of pear can also protect our bodies of various types of cancer. Besiders capable of binding cholesterol, fiber in pear can also binding and help remove evil chemicals that is one of causes of cancer in the large colon, so that it can help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Good for Diabetics.
In addition to high fiber, pears alos has a low glycernic index, so the snacks are safe to people who suffer from diabetes. The fruit is able to prevent a surge in blood sugar and help control glucose levels in the blood.
Heart Health.
In addition to the rich content of nutrients that are good for health, benefits of pears are an excellent source of fiber, especially for heart health. Research has proven that the fiber can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Even other studies also mention eating pear can reduce the risk of stroke by up to 50 percent.
Healthy Food,
Simple Tips Healthy
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Benefits of Avocado for Health
Benefits of avocado for health ? Maybe that's a question that comes up from your mind. This fruit is believed to be one of the most benefical foods provided by nature, this cannot be separated from the content of the nutrients contained in this fruit. But not everyone likes the fruit of avocado, and there is a question,'what is good for health of avocado?' The answer to the question is'yes', and the following article will highlight 3 health benefits of avocado fruit owned to you. The hope for those of you who don't like fruit of the future will change the mind given benefits.
Benefits of Avocado for Health
Source of vitamin B.
Vitamin B contained in avocado fruit is very good for health. Various types of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9 all there is in this fruit. Only by consuming 1 avocado fruit/day can suffice the needs of daily B vitamins for your body. The following are the benefits of vitamin B :
Benefits of Avocado for Health
Source of vitamin B.
Vitamin B contained in avocado fruit is very good for health. Various types of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9 all there is in this fruit. Only by consuming 1 avocado fruit/day can suffice the needs of daily B vitamins for your body. The following are the benefits of vitamin B :
- Preventing stress
- Reduce Anxiety
- Prevent Heart disease
- Improve memory
Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease and Cholesterol
If we all heard the word "FAT" is definitely the first cross our mind is negative thoughts. But believe it or not, not all fat is bad, there are some fat is actually good for our body. One of the types of fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, where both types of fat may help reduce blood cholesterol levels in the body, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Avocado fruit contained positive fat, in every ounce of avocado is 3 grams monounsaturated fat, and a half grams of polyunsaturated fats.
Healthy Food
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Benefits of Honey
As we know, the benefits of honey for health is very much at all. Honey is scientifically proven to prevent and treat a variety of diseases. But did you know about the benefits of honey for the face ? Honey has long been harnessed and developed to become one of the ingredients of skin care. Some salons and beauty clinic a lot using honey as facial care which media was used a mask. Although sprung various tools of treatments. Because, almost certainlu face care with honey has no harmful side effects. In addition the cost is also quite cheap and maximum results
Benefits of Honey for Face Breakouts
Honey contain enough vitamins and minerals. In honey contained vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With a variety of the content of honey can help bind and retain the moisture of the skin. The influence of the water on the face. Here are some of the benefits of honey for the face.
Benefits of Honey for Face Breakouts
Honey contain enough vitamins and minerals. In honey contained vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With a variety of the content of honey can help bind and retain the moisture of the skin. The influence of the water on the face. Here are some of the benefits of honey for the face.
- Prevent and eliminate acne.
- Raised the dead skin cells
- Moisturizes and smoothes the skin
- Makes the skin look brighter shine
- Clean the dirt struck in the face
Simple Tips Healthy
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
How to get rid of acne with vegetables
As we know cucumber is one type of vegetable containing quite a lot of water and minerals. Choose fresh cucumber and cut into thin-thin. Then place the cucumber pieces on top of your acne approximately 15 minutes or until the cucumber wilt. Metimun contains vitamins A, B1, C and other minerals that can treat acne and make skin look brighter shine.
How to get rid of acne with vegetables next is to use tomatoes. Choose tomatoes that are still fresh and cut into thin strips and then rub-rub it into the skin area breakouts. Then let sit for a moment and then rinse with clean water. You will feel your skin clean and free from oil, which is one of the causes of acne.
Lime Wedges.
Take a lemon and then cut into transverse thin-thin. Then immediately rub it into the skin breakouts. Do not get exposed because it will feel sore. Concluding each after waking up and going to bed. Do not forget to clean with clean water.
As we know cucumber is one type of vegetable containing quite a lot of water and minerals. Choose fresh cucumber and cut into thin-thin. Then place the cucumber pieces on top of your acne approximately 15 minutes or until the cucumber wilt. Metimun contains vitamins A, B1, C and other minerals that can treat acne and make skin look brighter shine.
How to get rid of acne with vegetables next is to use tomatoes. Choose tomatoes that are still fresh and cut into thin strips and then rub-rub it into the skin area breakouts. Then let sit for a moment and then rinse with clean water. You will feel your skin clean and free from oil, which is one of the causes of acne.
Lime Wedges.
Take a lemon and then cut into transverse thin-thin. Then immediately rub it into the skin breakouts. Do not get exposed because it will feel sore. Concluding each after waking up and going to bed. Do not forget to clean with clean water.
Simple Tips Healthy
Monday, May 2, 2011
Benefits of Cod-liver Oil
Benefits of fish oil for your health-consume fish since ancient times always type associated with the level of intelligence and also the health of the body. Then do it right and have been scientifically tested? Fish oil, turned out to be the secret ingredient that many play a role in disease prevention as well as to increase the intelligence of the child. Fish oil can be found in the fish's body fluids containing fat Jesus or any supplement. Fat on these fish contain a variety of essential nutrients, that is why many products in ads that use fish oil as an ingredient.
The Benefits Of Fish Oil
A successful research reveal about the benefits of fish oil for health. But the benefits of fish oil that is most important is not to mencerdasakan the child but rather beneficial to heart health. The study also mentioned that fish oil may help lower fat levels in the blood, reduce blood pressure, as well as prevent strokes. Another benefit of fish oil that has been proven through scientific study is maintaining eye health, alleviating symptoms of depression, impaired concentration, until illness severe Schizophrenia. The content of omega-3 in fish oil cannot be produced by the body, so to get a sufficient amount we have to consume foods that contain omega-3. In addition to the fish, omega-3 can also be found in walnuts, olive oil, and soy beans.
The Benefits Of Fish Oil
A successful research reveal about the benefits of fish oil for health. But the benefits of fish oil that is most important is not to mencerdasakan the child but rather beneficial to heart health. The study also mentioned that fish oil may help lower fat levels in the blood, reduce blood pressure, as well as prevent strokes. Another benefit of fish oil that has been proven through scientific study is maintaining eye health, alleviating symptoms of depression, impaired concentration, until illness severe Schizophrenia. The content of omega-3 in fish oil cannot be produced by the body, so to get a sufficient amount we have to consume foods that contain omega-3. In addition to the fish, omega-3 can also be found in walnuts, olive oil, and soy beans.
Healthy Food
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Benefits Of The Mahkota Dewa Fruit For Family Health
Crown God benefits currently being discussed to bloom. Has been a lot of research conducted by health experts, and proved to be exotic plants that come from the land of papua has many benefits for your health. If this plant is often used as a herbal potion, later the Mahkota Dewa have been developed into drugs in the form of capsules and tablets. Although it tastes very bitter, but many people are consuming this fruit due to improved that proved very powerful and able to cure various kinds of diseases.
Get To Know Mahkota Dewa
Fruit famous for its latin name Phaleria Macrocarpa is widely grown in the forests of New Guinea. This plant grows in loose soil and fertile, the high could reach 5 meters. The tree trunks are small, rugged, and Gummy. The fruit is medium-sized with a diameter of 3-6 cm long, while the colour is green when young and turns into a thick red when ripe. In addition the Mahkota Dewa also known as fruit's choice (Malay race).
Benefits Of Mahkota Dewa
Almost all parts of this fruit can be used. The leaves and seeds can be used as Mahkota Dewa cure diseases of the skin and itching. While the meat of the fruit can be used as a drug disentrik and psoriasis. In addition to traditional medicines, benefiting Mahkota Dewa also proved to the more modern medical technology. Based on research among other gods Crown benefits can inhibit 50% growth of cancer cells in our bodies. Even penilitian have also proved the benefits of other deities namely Crown for mengoati alaergi, heat, uric acid, and as a natural antioxidant compounds.
Get To Know Mahkota Dewa
Fruit famous for its latin name Phaleria Macrocarpa is widely grown in the forests of New Guinea. This plant grows in loose soil and fertile, the high could reach 5 meters. The tree trunks are small, rugged, and Gummy. The fruit is medium-sized with a diameter of 3-6 cm long, while the colour is green when young and turns into a thick red when ripe. In addition the Mahkota Dewa also known as fruit's choice (Malay race).
Benefits Of Mahkota Dewa
Almost all parts of this fruit can be used. The leaves and seeds can be used as Mahkota Dewa cure diseases of the skin and itching. While the meat of the fruit can be used as a drug disentrik and psoriasis. In addition to traditional medicines, benefiting Mahkota Dewa also proved to the more modern medical technology. Based on research among other gods Crown benefits can inhibit 50% growth of cancer cells in our bodies. Even penilitian have also proved the benefits of other deities namely Crown for mengoati alaergi, heat, uric acid, and as a natural antioxidant compounds.
Healthy Food
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Benefits Of Soursop Leaves Potent Cure Cancer
Maybe during this You less know about the benefits of soursop leaves as a natural herbal concoctions. Most people just consume the flesh of the fruit alone for a variety of meals and drinks. Soursop leaf to say actually is more useful than the meat men because in soursop leaves there are various substances and essential nutrients needed by the body. But did you know about the benefits of soursop leaves exactly?
The Benefits of Soursop Leaves
First known by tribez in Amazona in the 90 's. They easily find soursop tree in the forest and then process them into herbal medicines. Based on research conducted at leading universities in Indonesia's GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY. With just a small dose of the benefits of soursop leaves already proven eradicate cancer cells in the body.
Another fact mentioned if soursop leaves to kill the cells of colon cancer by up to 10,000 times stronger than chemo. The statement was released by Reiser MJ, Mc Laughlin, and Fang XP at AgrEvo Research Center, USA. It turns out the great benefits of soursop leaves it, although the price is cheap even for free, the benefits of soursop leaves huge in helping cancer treatments are natural.
The Benefits of Soursop Leaves
First known by tribez in Amazona in the 90 's. They easily find soursop tree in the forest and then process them into herbal medicines. Based on research conducted at leading universities in Indonesia's GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY. With just a small dose of the benefits of soursop leaves already proven eradicate cancer cells in the body.
Another fact mentioned if soursop leaves to kill the cells of colon cancer by up to 10,000 times stronger than chemo. The statement was released by Reiser MJ, Mc Laughlin, and Fang XP at AgrEvo Research Center, USA. It turns out the great benefits of soursop leaves it, although the price is cheap even for free, the benefits of soursop leaves huge in helping cancer treatments are natural.
Healthy Food
Friday, April 29, 2011
Benefits Of Green Beans For Pregnant Women
Benefits of green beans don't need we doubt. One of the types of nuts that are quite popular in Indonesia it is known to have a high protein content. Even in Indonesia itself, the plant is included in the three major food crops are quite popular after soybeans and peanuts. Easily we can find various preparations of peanut hujau like porridge, onde-onde bakpao, and various other foods. In addition to vegetable protein, kadungan other minerals owned by the green beans are calcium, phosphorus, and unsaturated fatty acids.
Benefits Of Green Beans For Pregnant Women
Recently has done a study conducted by a team of researchers at the Danish National Birth Cohort, Denmark managed to uncover the benefits of green beans especially for pregnant women. By consuming green beans at least once a week can help reduce the risk of pernyakit asthma in babies that will be born. Not playing the research results carried out on approximately 61,000 women pregnant in Denmark made during 5 years in 2003 to 2008. Every pregnant woman should consume at least one serving of green beans per week during pregnancy.
After the baby is born and is 3 years old, the research team found the problem hardly pernafasa disorders (asthma) in infants whose mothers consume green beans regularly. So the benefits of green beans for pregnant women don't need us v lag
Benefits Of Green Beans For Pregnant Women
Recently has done a study conducted by a team of researchers at the Danish National Birth Cohort, Denmark managed to uncover the benefits of green beans especially for pregnant women. By consuming green beans at least once a week can help reduce the risk of pernyakit asthma in babies that will be born. Not playing the research results carried out on approximately 61,000 women pregnant in Denmark made during 5 years in 2003 to 2008. Every pregnant woman should consume at least one serving of green beans per week during pregnancy.
After the baby is born and is 3 years old, the research team found the problem hardly pernafasa disorders (asthma) in infants whose mothers consume green beans regularly. So the benefits of green beans for pregnant women don't need us v lag
Healthy Food,
Simple Tips Healthy
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Some of The Habits That Lead to Obesity
Consuming lots of carbohydrates and fats is allegedly the primary cause of obesity. But there are some trivial things that without we realize being able to trigger obesity, here are some activities that can cause obesity:
Eating While watching TV
Snacking while watching tv is very exciting, especially accompanied with some snacks and fizzy drinks. Then why watch tv can be considered as one of the peyebab obesity? Because you are cool watch tv, then your brain just focused on what is seen. It causes the brain to send a signal if the stomach late already full.
Lack Of Sleep.
Based on the research of less quality sleep can slow down the body's metabolism to 5 to 20 percent. In addition to lack of sleep causing you more easily get hungry, and make you want to eat on a day.
Often to the Coffee Shop. If you feel tired or busy at home, usually you invite friends to hang out to the cafe. There you will order whether it's cappucino, mocca, and accompanied by a slice of cake is sweet. Avoid this habit because if too often, will cause obesity without you even realizing.
Eating While watching TV
Snacking while watching tv is very exciting, especially accompanied with some snacks and fizzy drinks. Then why watch tv can be considered as one of the peyebab obesity? Because you are cool watch tv, then your brain just focused on what is seen. It causes the brain to send a signal if the stomach late already full.
Lack Of Sleep.
Based on the research of less quality sleep can slow down the body's metabolism to 5 to 20 percent. In addition to lack of sleep causing you more easily get hungry, and make you want to eat on a day.
Often to the Coffee Shop. If you feel tired or busy at home, usually you invite friends to hang out to the cafe. There you will order whether it's cappucino, mocca, and accompanied by a slice of cake is sweet. Avoid this habit because if too often, will cause obesity without you even realizing.
Bad Habits
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Benefits Of Lime Juice For A Healthy Diet
Fat is one of the most dangerous scourge and can lead to various problems for our health. Stockpiling excess fats cause overweight and when it happens continuously then it will lead to many chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and even heart attacks. The excess fat certainly make this body into fat and do a variety of ways in order to obtain the ideal body shape. One of the types of foods that can help fight fat is lime. Who is suspect if the berries are usually used as seasoning or made into juice has properties to reduce the amount of fat in the body.
Benefits Of Lemon To Diet Programs
Double the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it regularly every morning. Content of chemical substances called limonin in citrus juice can prevent the cells in the human heart to produce apo b. apo b Substances are compounds related to cholesterol levels in the body. If the compound apo b manufactured the body too much then it will cause high cholesterol levels in the body. Excess cholesterol levels of course can lead to various diseases such as coronary heart and stroke. Drinking a glass of water with the juice of a lemon is expected to inhibit the production of compound apo b, in addition to the lemon diet also play a role.
Lemon Herb To Diet
If you avidly consume a glass of warm water with lemon juice every day, you can feel the benefits directly. Compound in lime juice to stimulate performance of the bowel so that we will avoid digestive problems. Toxins and fats in the body will be crushed and thrown together when we were defecating. Several studies also demonstrate the benefits of lime juice for a healthy diet are very good indeed.
Benefits Of Lemon To Diet Programs
Double the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it regularly every morning. Content of chemical substances called limonin in citrus juice can prevent the cells in the human heart to produce apo b. apo b Substances are compounds related to cholesterol levels in the body. If the compound apo b manufactured the body too much then it will cause high cholesterol levels in the body. Excess cholesterol levels of course can lead to various diseases such as coronary heart and stroke. Drinking a glass of water with the juice of a lemon is expected to inhibit the production of compound apo b, in addition to the lemon diet also play a role.
Lemon Herb To Diet
If you avidly consume a glass of warm water with lemon juice every day, you can feel the benefits directly. Compound in lime juice to stimulate performance of the bowel so that we will avoid digestive problems. Toxins and fats in the body will be crushed and thrown together when we were defecating. Several studies also demonstrate the benefits of lime juice for a healthy diet are very good indeed.
Healthy Food,
Simple Tips Healthy
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Benefits Of The Mangosteen Fruit For Health
There have been many research carried out by health experts to find out the benefits of mangosteen fruit. Not only do research on fruit flesh only, but on the whole mangosteen fruit, including the Peel. The various studies reveal interesting facts about mangosteen fruit benefits which can be menyembuhakan various types of diseases. Fruit named garcinia mangostana latin it has anti-inflammatory properties, which can prevent the development of heart disease and diabetes in patients with obesity. Even a study done by BioMed Central Access, described how the juice of exotic fruit is capable of lowering the level of C-reactive protein.
The Benefits Of The Mangosteen Fruit For Health
Ageless. Antioxidant drugs contained in the mangosteen fruit is very good for health and is able to inhibit aging. Because this substance is able to repair body tissue cells are damaged and replaced it with a new one, so you will seem ageless if diligent consume this fruit. There are also other fruits containing many antioxidants that benefit the Crown of deity.
Inhibits the growth of cancer. And what you need to know is this fruit contains a lot of xanthone anti-cancer compounds. Even mangging skin extracts is apoptosis (destruction of cancer cells), so for those of you who like mangosteen Peel waste do not rush, because it disinalih many benefits we can get.
Cultivate The Mangosteen Rind
To obtain the maximum benefits of mangosteen fruit we can brew a mangosteen rind pieces of leather cut into pieces 1 mangosteen then boiled using 2 cups of water to remaining one glass. Then strain the water decoction and consume regularly 2-3 times a day.
The Benefits Of The Mangosteen Fruit For Health
Ageless. Antioxidant drugs contained in the mangosteen fruit is very good for health and is able to inhibit aging. Because this substance is able to repair body tissue cells are damaged and replaced it with a new one, so you will seem ageless if diligent consume this fruit. There are also other fruits containing many antioxidants that benefit the Crown of deity.
Inhibits the growth of cancer. And what you need to know is this fruit contains a lot of xanthone anti-cancer compounds. Even mangging skin extracts is apoptosis (destruction of cancer cells), so for those of you who like mangosteen Peel waste do not rush, because it disinalih many benefits we can get.
Cultivate The Mangosteen Rind
To obtain the maximum benefits of mangosteen fruit we can brew a mangosteen rind pieces of leather cut into pieces 1 mangosteen then boiled using 2 cups of water to remaining one glass. Then strain the water decoction and consume regularly 2-3 times a day.
Healthy Food
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Benefits Of Apple Prevent Stroke

The Benefits of Apples
To obtain the maximum benefits of apples we simply consume at least 25 grams of apples every day. Thus we can reduce the risk of 9 percent lower by pernyakit strokes. While every one they have average weight is 120 grams. It means to avoid stroke we simply consume 1 Apple per day regularly. The statement confirmed by Linda m. Oude Griep, m.SC. from Wageningen Uninversity in the Netherlands.
The fruit has a latin name pyrus malus is a food high in fiber and rich in antioxidants. Fiber from fruit good for digestive health apil, while the antioxidants contained in apples is very good for keeping the immune system as well as being able to replace cells damaged body tissues.
Healthy Food
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Pare Benefits As An Antidote To Cancer

Pare Benefits for Health
In addition as an antidote to the cancer cells, the other is to pare benefits for lowering blood sugar levels caused by the presence of substances in plants called insulin in momordica charantia latin. These substances play a role in helping the reform process glucose into energy.
Strengthen The Immune System. Pare also contain more vitamin C is useful for strengthening the immune system prevents wrinkles on the face, and protects the body from ultra violet rays. In addition compounds of beta-carotene in vegetables is also very good for maintaining eye health. In addition, based on the results of another study by one of the researchers in Japan, pare benefits too good to ward off free radicals due to pare many contain anti oxidants. How now you're interested in consuming pare ?
Healthy Food
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Uncover The Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Health

Benefits Of Dragon Fruit
Benefits of Dragon fruit is very diverse, vitamin c is a pretty high on this fruit makes Dragon fruit has our immune boosting properties and helps speed up the healing process of the wound. Potassium and phosphorus contained in the fruit can make our bones strong and the teeth to be healthy. In addition vitamin B3 in the fruit is good for lowering cholesterol.
In addition the fruit are also useful to balance the sugar levels in the blood. Other benefits of this Cactus-like fruit is maintaining heart health, prevent cancer, prevent diabetes, strengthen kidney function well even be consumed if you're undergoing a healthy diet. For those of you who like Dragon fruit can eat it right away, or turn it into a variety of food and drinks. Eat every day and feel the benefits of Dragon fruit.
Healthy Food
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Benefits of Exercise in The Morning
The sport is very much useful for our body, especially when the sport is conducted in a timely manner, which is in the morning. The following benefits of exercise in the morning :
1. Generating energy.
Sports can release compounds that create a comfortable and happy, such as endorphins (mood and energy level), in which these effects can last till the afternoon if you exercise in the morning. And by exercising in the morning can help us sleep better than if exercising at night time.
2. improve memory brain.
Exercise proven to improve focus and sharpness up to 10 hours during the exercise. If you are forced to exercise after work, you will not get the benefit of having to break for the night.
3. Lose weight.
Exercise to lose weight right in the morning. Sports in the morning proved to be a pressing desire to eat a little more. Even sports make the body burn calories faster.
1. Generating energy.
Sports can release compounds that create a comfortable and happy, such as endorphins (mood and energy level), in which these effects can last till the afternoon if you exercise in the morning. And by exercising in the morning can help us sleep better than if exercising at night time.
2. improve memory brain.
Exercise proven to improve focus and sharpness up to 10 hours during the exercise. If you are forced to exercise after work, you will not get the benefit of having to break for the night.
3. Lose weight.
Exercise to lose weight right in the morning. Sports in the morning proved to be a pressing desire to eat a little more. Even sports make the body burn calories faster.
Simple Tips Healthy
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Maintaining Healthy for National Exams
No longer, various schooi esp. smp will hold national exams. Besides victuals science you must prepare about health. Surely so you can concentrate on the exam. Following is tips to maintain healthy for National Exams :
1. Don't Sleep too late.
We know that you need a high mastery of the lessons will be at UNkan, from morning to night, the book of your grip. But, younger sister should also know, that the brain works a long day need the break. So if the study night try sleeping under 10.00. With sleep like that, then the morning sister will feel the freshness
2. A regular meal.
Often parents advise you to eat on time.Such words often appear when you are busy studying. Actually it don't you think is easy. So when the younger sister studied the brain drained with questions and discussion on the face. So, with so eat regularly and on time.
3. The Consumption Of Nutritious Meals.
If during this time you're eating only simple side dish, it is now approaching and the National Exams. Enjoy preparing food that is nutritious, protein, so it can help your brain to think and your health is assured from the food.
4. Sport.
Leave a little time to work out for a moment, or you can do in the morning and the afternoon. Because by doing sport, you'll stay healthy and strong.
1. Don't Sleep too late.
We know that you need a high mastery of the lessons will be at UNkan, from morning to night, the book of your grip. But, younger sister should also know, that the brain works a long day need the break. So if the study night try sleeping under 10.00. With sleep like that, then the morning sister will feel the freshness
2. A regular meal.
Often parents advise you to eat on time.Such words often appear when you are busy studying. Actually it don't you think is easy. So when the younger sister studied the brain drained with questions and discussion on the face. So, with so eat regularly and on time.
3. The Consumption Of Nutritious Meals.
If during this time you're eating only simple side dish, it is now approaching and the National Exams. Enjoy preparing food that is nutritious, protein, so it can help your brain to think and your health is assured from the food.
4. Sport.
Leave a little time to work out for a moment, or you can do in the morning and the afternoon. Because by doing sport, you'll stay healthy and strong.
Simple Tips Healthy
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Health Benefits of Pineapple
As one of the most popular fruit in the world, many benefits we can take advantage of the pineapple in the health field.Maybe you don't like because of the pineapple fruit tastes sour and itchy when it is consumed. But behind all that there are so many benefits of pineapple.
Reduce The Risk Of Hypertension. One of the best ways to prevent hirpetensi is by consuming food that has the amount of potassium that is tinggo. If you want to lower blood pressure, try to consume the fruit of the pineapple as a cup of pineapple contains about 1 mg of sodium as well as 195 mg potassium.
Lose Weight. The natural sweetness of the pineapple will make you always feel full. And for those of you who are diabetics need not worry because the sugar content of the pineapple is very little.
Benefits Of Pineapple For Health.
The pineapple was one source of vitamin C. Vitamin c is able to protect our body from free radicals that attack the cells of our body strong. Prevent flu attacks the immune system and encourages us to be stronger in the face of various viruses and pernyakit.
Brighten The Skin. Pineapples contain an enzyme that makes skin elastic and capable of removing the damaged skin cells and replace them with new ones. In addition to health benefits of pineapple have also penetrated into the world of beauty. If you diligently consumes pineapple can reduce age spots and fine lines on the skin.
Reduce The Risk Of Hypertension. One of the best ways to prevent hirpetensi is by consuming food that has the amount of potassium that is tinggo. If you want to lower blood pressure, try to consume the fruit of the pineapple as a cup of pineapple contains about 1 mg of sodium as well as 195 mg potassium.
Lose Weight. The natural sweetness of the pineapple will make you always feel full. And for those of you who are diabetics need not worry because the sugar content of the pineapple is very little.
Benefits Of Pineapple For Health.
The pineapple was one source of vitamin C. Vitamin c is able to protect our body from free radicals that attack the cells of our body strong. Prevent flu attacks the immune system and encourages us to be stronger in the face of various viruses and pernyakit.
Brighten The Skin. Pineapples contain an enzyme that makes skin elastic and capable of removing the damaged skin cells and replace them with new ones. In addition to health benefits of pineapple have also penetrated into the world of beauty. If you diligently consumes pineapple can reduce age spots and fine lines on the skin.
Healthy Food
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Learn About the Causes of Cough
Cough turns out is one of the defense system for removing foreign bodies from the inside of the body. But, of course, there is also a cough is a symptom of a serious disease.Turn of the rainy season to dry season easily makes us ill with a cough. It's torturous if the cough has been attacked. No wonder many people consider cough as a symptom of a disease that should be immediately addressed. Parents whose children got cough must directly trying to find drugs to treat his cough. In fact, according to Dr. Dr. h. Muljono, Wirjodiardjo Sp., Ph.d, not forever coughing is bad.
Cough does not always have to be hostile, because physiologically, cough actually is one of the body's defense mechanisms, ' continue Muljono. To note is the cause of cough and cough occurred in how. Cough occurs in the airway, which is divided into the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. During the disorders of the upper respiratory tract, for example, the body will form a defense mechanism by sneezing or coughing. While disorders of the lower respiratory tract will usually make the body do with the cough reflex.
Seen from the mechanism, coughing and sneezing has the same mechanism with breathing, breathing (inspiration) and exhaling (ekspirasi). ' Cough actually is crackling or bang ekspirasi, so any sneezing. The difference, if a cough, the time is very short and the air out of the lungs very quickly, while the inspiration we can adjust, slow or fast. ' The air out of the lungs due to coughing will make everything that inhibit the airway wasted out. ' Mainly foreign bodies, liquids, or airway mucus, so so clean. Therefore, sometimes the coughing is precisely needed to throw all that clog the airway. Dangerous precisely if objects obstruct airway cannot be removed through the mechanism of cough, pulmonary specialists said ' children from RSI Bintaro goes on.
Cough does not always have to be hostile, because physiologically, cough actually is one of the body's defense mechanisms, ' continue Muljono. To note is the cause of cough and cough occurred in how. Cough occurs in the airway, which is divided into the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. During the disorders of the upper respiratory tract, for example, the body will form a defense mechanism by sneezing or coughing. While disorders of the lower respiratory tract will usually make the body do with the cough reflex.
Seen from the mechanism, coughing and sneezing has the same mechanism with breathing, breathing (inspiration) and exhaling (ekspirasi). ' Cough actually is crackling or bang ekspirasi, so any sneezing. The difference, if a cough, the time is very short and the air out of the lungs very quickly, while the inspiration we can adjust, slow or fast. ' The air out of the lungs due to coughing will make everything that inhibit the airway wasted out. ' Mainly foreign bodies, liquids, or airway mucus, so so clean. Therefore, sometimes the coughing is precisely needed to throw all that clog the airway. Dangerous precisely if objects obstruct airway cannot be removed through the mechanism of cough, pulmonary specialists said ' children from RSI Bintaro goes on.
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