The Health Benefits of Pear
Protect the Body From Free Radicals.
Pears are one of the types of plants that contain enough vitamins C and K, as well as a variety of other nutrients all of which function as antioxidants to protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Eating a Pear is meet 11 percent of the daily vitamin C needs.
Preventing Cancer.
Benefits of pear can also protect our bodies of various types of cancer. Besiders capable of binding cholesterol, fiber in pear can also binding and help remove evil chemicals that is one of causes of cancer in the large colon, so that it can help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Good for Diabetics.
In addition to high fiber, pears alos has a low glycernic index, so the snacks are safe to people who suffer from diabetes. The fruit is able to prevent a surge in blood sugar and help control glucose levels in the blood.
Heart Health.
In addition to the rich content of nutrients that are good for health, benefits of pears are an excellent source of fiber, especially for heart health. Research has proven that the fiber can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Even other studies also mention eating pear can reduce the risk of stroke by up to 50 percent.
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