Benefits of fish oil for your health-consume fish since ancient times always type associated with the level of intelligence and also the health of the body. Then do it right and have been scientifically tested? Fish oil, turned out to be the secret ingredient that many play a role in disease prevention as well as to increase the intelligence of the child. Fish oil can be found in the fish's body fluids containing fat Jesus or any supplement. Fat on these fish contain a variety of essential nutrients, that is why many products in ads that use fish oil as an ingredient.
The Benefits Of Fish Oil
A successful research reveal about the benefits of fish oil for health. But the benefits of fish oil that is most important is not to mencerdasakan the child but rather beneficial to heart health. The study also mentioned that fish oil may help lower fat levels in the blood, reduce blood pressure, as well as prevent strokes. Another benefit of fish oil that has been proven through scientific study is maintaining eye health, alleviating symptoms of depression, impaired concentration, until illness severe Schizophrenia. The content of omega-3 in fish oil cannot be produced by the body, so to get a sufficient amount we have to consume foods that contain omega-3. In addition to the fish, omega-3 can also be found in walnuts, olive oil, and soy beans.
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